Campus Facilities

Campus Facilities

Different Abled Friendliness

People with disabilities find many difficulties in pursuing the higher education due to architectural barriers within the campus. It has been felt that differently-abled persons need special arrangements in the college environment for their mobility and independent functioning.

Our institution provides barrier-free environment which enables people with disabilities can move about safely and freely and use the facilities within the built environment. We have been awarded a grant-in-aid of Rs. 1.08 Crores under the “Scheme for Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (SIPDA)” scheme by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disability, GoI. Under this scheme, all of our buildings are provisioned with special facilities such as Ramps, Rails, Special toilets and make other necessary changes to suit the special needs of differently-abled persons. This environment supports the independent functioning of individuals so that they can participate without assistance in everyday activities within the campus.


The institution provides ramp facility to disabled persons for the easy access of various places in the campus. All the buildings in our campus are provided with Ramps which are carefully designed as per the specifications to be required by the disabled persons. The reduced inclination in the ramp makes easier and safer movement of wheelchair.

Disabled Friendly Washrooms

The washrooms for disabled persons are provided separately almost in all blocks in the campus. It is designed as per the standard specifications to accommodate people with physical disabilities. The washrooms are provided with grab bar for the convenience of the disabled persons. The extra care is taken by the institute to maintain the washrooms neat and clean. The sign board is provided outside of the washrooms to access it easily and not to be used by others.


Green Campus

Our institution is a green and eco-friendly campus which focuses on energy efficiency by preserving natural resources for healthy living and a good learning environment.

Rain Water Harvesting / Percolation Pond

Our institution has unveiled a rainwater harvesting system with an objective to re-charge the subsoil water level in order to meet the demand during the summer due to scarcity of rain. The pond is located on the south eastern side of our campus is the lowest portion of the site contour which collects the surface falloff during the monsoon and rainy days. Rain water which is collected from the storm water drainage system is designed to let out into the rainwater harvesting pond with adequate slope. This Rainwater Harvesting Pond of size measuring 20mx20mx1.5m could able to store & percolate the total capacity of 3.5 lakhs of water storage. This system helps to retain the subsoil water in the nearby region of Lawspet area and PWD operated pumping station.

Plastic Free Campus

Colleges can generate enormous amounts of plastic waste, which is toxic to people and the environment, and never goes away.
This initiative is aimed to measurably reduce plastic waste and pollution in our campus and the world around us. To achieve this, we have undertaken following steps

  • We have banned use of single-use plastics inside the college premises.
  • We carry out awareness drives and sensitisation workshops on the harmful impacts of single-use plastics.
  • Encourage all students to avoid bringing non-bio-degradable plastic items to the college.
  • We encourage students to sensitize their respective households about the harmful effects of plastics and make their households also 'plastic- free'.

No Smoking Zone

To provide a healthy learning and working environment for students and faculties, smoking & use of tobacco is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor campus locations. Use and sale of tobacco products within college premises and in its vicinity is strictly prohibited. In an effort to keep our campus free from smoking and use of tobacco and related products, sensitization programmes in the form of lectures and seminars, display of banners and posters, etc. are organized to spread awareness among students and staff about adverse effects of consumption of tobacco in any form.

Water Management

The method of“Drip Irrigation”is used to keep the campus always green.Sprinklersare used in gardens to prevent water wastage. The RO Plant is established in the college campus to provide safe drinking water as per World Health Organisation (WHO) Standard.

Other Green Initiatives
  • Tree planting is carried out regularly
  • Sanitary Napkin vending machine and incinerator are installed in our college premises.
  • Paperless communication (e-mail / WhatsApp communication) is a regular practice
  • Usage of one-sided paper is encouraged
  • E-Governance system is followed for the maintenance of Faculty and Student details, library and other administrative details.

ICT InfraStructure

Our institution has excellent ICT based tools which enables the teaching learning process with modern computing facility.


In order to conduct the online courses, expert lectures, interaction with renowned faculty, two e-Classroom facility is operational in our institute. These facilities are equipped with latest high configuration computer systems, LCD Projector, public addressing system & video conferencing facility. All the systems are connected with high-speed internet with dedicated transmission link of NMEICT network.

Smart Classroom

A smart classroom is a technology-enhanced learning classroom that enhances the way of teaching and learning digitally. Our classroom is integrated with the wall mounted LCD projectors, Visualizer, Windows based desktop computer with touchscreen display, whiteboards and other audio/visual components that make lectures easier, engaging, and more interactive.

Seminar Hall

Our college has fully air-conditioned audio-visual enabled seminar hall which can accommodate over 250 people. The seminar hall is soundproof with warm lights, wireless internet connection, high resolution overhead projector, white board, dais, podium and sound system with mic.
This facility hall is effectively used to host a plethora of events in the field of academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. It is perennially occupied by different departments, clubs and committees for all college events and external functions such as guest lectures, fests, training, conferences and corporate events.

Conference Hall

Our college has fully air-conditioned multi purpose hall in the ground floor of the Administrative block with seating capacity of 50. This hall is well equipped with LCD Projector, white board, television, podium, Wi-Fi Connectivity, ergonomically designed furniture & interiors and sound system with mic. This state of art conference hall provides an ambience for conducting academic meetings, seminar, event, etc.

Computing Facilities

The computer has become an indispensable tool for imparting education in all the branches of engineering. The place of a computer in the modern education is not just limited to computer programming or web browsing. Whether it is the EEE students using SPICE tools for simulation of electronic circuits or the ECE students using MATLAB for simulation of the communication circuits and systems or CS/IT students using Eclipse IDE for application development. the computers have become integral part of the daily routine of a serious technical student. Our college clearly understands the importance and hence built up a significant number of well furnished computer labs. The college has 8 computer labs with an aggregate total of 300 computers in them.


IIT Bombay Remote Center

An initiative by IIT Bombay to work with engineering colleges to enhance the the teaching skills of faculty in core Engineering and Science subjects. This project envisions empowerment of teachers, through workshops conducted for thousands of teachers and students at one go, using a unique blend of technology and an innovative pedagogy. Thousands have experienced the effectiveness of this approach, and of the resulting open source contents. Under the programme, IIT Bombay conducts ISTE workshops during the vacation period in summer and winter. Teachers attend the workshops at a designated Remote Center (RC), close to their own college. Lectures are delivered by faculty from IIT Bombay, while tutorials and lab sessions are conducted locally in the same RC. The lecture transmission and live interaction take place in a virtual classroom environment, using the AVIEW technology on the internet.

Our Institution as Remote Center (RC-ID 1400)

Our Institution has been functioning as IIT Bombay Remote Centre (RC-ID 1400) since February 2018, in the existing e-Classroom established under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme” Up-gradation of existing Polytechnic Colleges”, MHRD, GoI.

The e-classroom is fully air-conditioned centre equipped with 33 latest computer systems, laptop, LCD projector, Visual presenter, television, video camera with tripod, audio and video systems, digital camera and takenotes tablet. Our RC is registered with Amrita Virtual Interactive e-Learning World (A-VIEW) for conducting various online courses for the students and faculties.

Remote Center Coordinator(RCC)

Remote Center Coordinator(RCC)
Contact No: 9443434972

1 “Effective use of ICT tools for School Education”organised for the Government school teachers.
2 “e-Content Development and e-Learning Methodology in Technician education”for the faculties of Polytechnic Colleges in co-ordination with NITTTR, Chennai as a Nodal Centre.
3 “Online admission Portal for Class I by IIT Bombay”for the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan School Principal and senior staff members.
4 “C Programming”online course conducted by Spoken Tutorial – IIT Bombay for our students.
5 Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process
6 One day Workshop onKoha and Library Automationconducted by IIT Bombay
7 One day Workshop onPythoncondcuted by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT), Supported by FOSSEE & Spoken Tutorials at IIT Bombay
8 One day Workshop onArduinoconducted by IIT Bombay
9 One day Pilot Workshop onDspaceconducted by IIT Bombay
10 Interactive e-Content
11 International E - Conference 2020:Novel Nutrition Approach & Emerging Opportunities to Sustain in Pandemic ScenariobyMount Carmel College, Bangalore
12 Issues & Concerns during COVID
13 Environmental Studies
14 ஆய்வியல் அணுகுமுறைகள்
15 International Webinar:Young Minds Matter: Towards the mental health & well-being of Youth

RO Water Plant

UV-RO Water plant is available within the campus for constant supply of safe drinking water

  • Purified water is supplied to all academic blocks, canteen and hostels.
  • Storage capacity: 2000 liters SS container
  • Filtration Capacity: 500 liters/hr
  • Treatment: UV – RO treated oxidized

This Reverse Osmosis Plant caters to the drinking water needs of all the Students, Teachers, supporting Staff and the Visitors. The raw water with an average Total Dissolved Solids [TDS] of 800-1000 ppm is treated to reduce the TDSF content to less than 100 ppm the generally acceptable upper limit of the TDS.


The college is providing canteen facility to the students as well as teaching and non-teaching staff of the college at the subsidized rate. It is capable of catering the demands of the students and can accommodate 30 persons at a time. It has spacious & properly maintained room as well as kitchen. Generally, the college provides it to any individual on contract basis after proper official’s formalities.

The College canteen also caters to the functions organized in the college programmes like seminars, conferences and workshops.

Kitchen staff takes care to provide the students and staff a nutritious and hygienic food at our campus canteens.

Power Backup

Our institute is well equipped with 24X7 power backup as we have dedicated Generator backup to ensure that students get uninterrupted power supply round the clock.

  • Classrooms
  • Library
  • Laboratories
  • Canteen
  • Seminar Halls

We acknowledge the hassles caused due to interrupted power backup system and hence to overcome this problem our institute has two Generator backup (125KVA & 25 KVA), 07 nos. of 10 KVA UPS devoted to the computer labs and 05 nos . of 1 KVA UPS for Principal and HoD Rooms.

We strive to provide our students with comfortable days at our college along with quality and secured stay. Our uninterrupted 24X7 power backup facility helps us keep our student safe and at ease.


Considering the importance of sports in today’s scientific era and its vitality in the shaping of individual’s personality and health and fitness, the college lays considerable emphasis on students participation in various games, sports and track and field activities. The spacious ground of the college is laid out into playfields for Football, Hockey, Kho-Kho, Athletics, Volleyball, and Badminton etc. Facilities have also been provided for Table Tennis, Chess, Carrom & Yoga.

The Department of Physical Education is headed by the Physical Director The sports hour has been scheduled in the respective department time table and the sports activities were conducted to all the students. During the sports hour, the attitude and behavior of the students were monitored and tuned in the right way. In this connection, the sports talents of the students were identified and coaching given accordingly. The students are short listed to the respective games & athletics and intensive coaching were given to participate in the Inter College Competition, All India South zone meet and National meets.

The Department of Physical Education uploaded their activity in two categories. 1. Intramural and 2.Extramural activities. The various sports events for students and staff were conducted between different departments of the college in the intramural activities. In the extramural activities, students participating in the Inter College competitions, Inter University competitions, Puducherry State meet and National meets. During the various sports meets the students participated in the events like 100mts, 200mts, 400mts, 800mts,1500mts, 4X100mts relay, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot-Put, Javelin Throw, Discuss Throw, Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Tennikoit, Hand ball, Throw ball, Badminton, Ball Badminton and weight lifting.
